Freelance Contractor Consolidation

Simplifying & De-Risking the Use of Third-Party Contractors.

Freelance Contractor Consolidation

With the advent of IR35 in the UK, it is now more vital than ever that your contingent contract staff base is controlled and operated in a way that protects you from potential tax liabilities. Having multiple contractors on varying contracts, multiple rates and margins through various source suppliers each with their own unique terms of business can be a daunting and risky operation. Why not talk to us about managing these issues for you? We will agree with you a program of supplier rationalisation to remove all these variations and transfer the resources, including any direct contractors, under our single umbrella.

Why does it make sense?

  • You improve compliance and reduce your risk to any potential tax issues.
  • You remove any “perceived employment” risks of direct contractors.
  • You reduce administration and cost through a single supplier
  • You enjoy possible savings from bulk discounts
  • You benefit from a single consistent, well-managed contingent workforce
  • We provide a fully transparent transfer with zero downtime or disruption.

Create value for our clients and they will reciprocate.